Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Owl Ornament Round Up

Owls are one of my favorite animals, and I have started a little collection of owl ornaments for my Christmas tree, special thanks to my roommate, Lisa, who got me three adorable owl ornaments for my tree. Lucky for me, owls are all the rage right now, so I am seeing them everywhere. I plan on posting pictures of all of our Christmas decorations soon, but until then, here's a owl ornament round up of some cute owl ornaments I'd love to add to my tree.

Third row: Etsy & Etsy

Want more owls? Check out My Owl Barn's owl calendar that you can print for free. You can also customize it by choosing your 12 favorite owl images and what month they go with.
Owl Lover 2013 Calendar

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Birthday

Happy 30th Birthday to my man! I'm looking forward to celebrating with Chinese food & Skyfall tonight. I am so glad you were born! 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Miso Monday: Flashback Edition

This is the very first picture we took of Miso when she was only a day old. We were calling her Twinkie, because that's exactly what she looked like.

Friday, November 30, 2012

{this moment}

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Magnetic Make Up Board

I hate spending a lot of time getting ready before I have to go somewhere, and have always been annoyed by how unorganized my make up is. I used to spend so much time rummaging through a bag trying to find the right color and the right brush, and I don't even have that much make up! So since I moved to a new house, I decided to try to be more organized and try to do a couple of those organizational things I've been seeing on Pinterest that make me happy, and decided to start by making a magnetic make up board.
I found a magnetic board at Craft Warehouse and chose the size that was closest to the size of scrapbook paper, so I didn't have to do any cutting. I used matte mod podge on the metal and then went over the front with mod podge. Glue magnets to the back of my make up, and voila! It was so easy, it really cheers up our bathroom, and makes me feel less stressed when I'm getting ready. I think at some point I want to add a frame to finish up the look, but for now I'm happy with the result. The best part is, it cost me less than 12 bucks to make.

To organize my brushes, I had a little flower pot that came with an orchid that I killed shortly after receiving it as a gift from a former student. I filled it up with rice and stuck them in, brush side up. Now they are super easy to see and get to. My make up has never been as organized, and it takes up almost no counter space.

P.S. If you make your way to Bath & Body Works or my bathroom, try the Candy Cane Bliss hand soap. I'm obsessed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

DIY Ornament Inspiration

After making those ornaments from yesterday's post, I'm itching to make more ornaments. I have been collecting some DIY ornaments on my Christmas Pinterest board, and here are some that are inspiring me lately.


I will also be heading to World Market, because they have so many adorable ornaments:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DIY Custom Ornaments Tutorial

On Sunday, we went and got my Christmas tree! I am a little obsessed with Christmas and love decorating for it. Yesterday we went and got another tree, so we have one upstairs and one downstairs, and I am in heaven! It smells amazing in here.

This is the first year I've had a full grown Christmas tree as an adult, which means I don't have a very large ornament collection. I bought a couple boxes the other day, but they're nothing exciting, and I really enjoy an eclectic array of random ornaments. I love matching, stylish trees too, but random is more my style.

So I thought this would be a good opportunity to make some of my own ornaments and here's a little tutorial of some that I made the other day.

They're super easy, and the best part is you can customize them however you want. I got the ornaments at Craft Warehouse. They are skinny, almost flat ornaments. Only cost less 6 bucks for a set of 4. You only see 3 here because I dropped one, so my narwhal never made it to the tree *sad face*.

Choose an image you want. I used this website for these ones. I copied the image, re-sized them in a word document and printed them out. Then I went in search for something round and the perfect size to trace a circle with. A jar lid worked perfectly.

Trace and cut along the line. I used mod podge and put glue on the back side of the ornament. Carefully place the picture where you want it. I noticed that if you moved the paper around too much, the ink would start to smear, so try to be deliberate in where you put it. Though after the glue dries, it isn't very noticeable. Once the paper is in place, apply more glue to the back of the paper. I had to go around the edges with my fingers to make sure that all the paper was sticking to the glass.

Take a wet rag and clean up any excess glue while it is still wet. I wasn't able to get it all, but once it dried I was able to scrape the little glue spots that still remained.

I love this technique because there are so many ways you can customize them. You can make any kind of ornament if you can find a picture of it. I'm happy with how they turned out.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Miso Monday

Man, I missed two Miso Mondays! I'm hoping I'll be better about posting, but life and holidays happened and blogging got placed on the back burner. But stay tuned, I have some fun posts planned for this week!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Miso Monday

I've been playing around with Muj's big fancy camera. I must confess I've pretty much only take pictures of Miso (are you surprised? Look at my blog...) Anyways, check out this mid-yawn shot of Miso. I love those kitty yawns.

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 2, 2012

{this moment}

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I recently finished reading this graphic novel by Craig Thompson. It was incredible. I started it on afternoon and couldn't put it down. I ended up finishing it that very night. I was really impressed and surprised at how the author shows the similarities in Christianity and Islam. I never realize how similar their stories are, and the way he weaves it into the story is amazing.  The illustrations are astonishing, each page is a piece of art. I just looked at the Amazon page and saw that a large majority of it is available in the "Look Inside" section when you click the image. Seriously, check out a couple pages, and read it if it sounds at all interesting. You won't be sorry.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

My pumpkin this year

Happy Halloween! 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Crochet Inspiration

We had a Craft Club a couple weeks ago and I brought along my crochet bag that I haven't touched in well over a year. I was very fortunate to be surrounded by knowledgeable crocheters/knitters so they could remind me how to do it. I just recently finished crocheting these.

I think Miso likes them. I'm pretty proud of how these turned out, crochet wise. This is some of the best crochet I've ever done, though I'm not sure I like how they fit, probably due to my improvising on the pattern I used (because I still don't really understand how to read patterns, or finish it off, so I do my best).

Now that I finally finished this project and just inherited a ton of knitting needles, I'm itching to start something new, and fantasizing about the future when I'm super awesome and can crochet and knit anything I want (a girl can dream, right?) Here are a few off my list of "Someday Projects":

I better get busy!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Miso Monday

Miso is excited about Fall

Friday, October 19, 2012

{this moment}

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Miso Monday

Tired, stretchy Miso

Monday, October 1, 2012

Miso Monday

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Patio table revamp

I recently moved into a huge house, with my boyfriend, Muj, and his roommate, Lisa. Muj has two adorable dogs, and I have my awesome kitty. As with most dogs, when we eat meals, they are very interested in stealing your food. Surprisingly, between the three of us, we didn't have a dining room table. Dining tables are a must when you have sneaky, cute, little dogs that stop at nothing to eat your food. Moving is expensive, and we didn't really have the money to buy a new table. Luckily, my parents had an extra glass top patio table that has been in our family for years (my dad even remembers eating dinners at this table as a teenager) that they were willing to part with.
I wasn't a big fan of the fabric on the chairs, and as you can see, it was in desperate need of a coat of paint. But other than that, I knew it would work perfect as a dining table for us, and it wouldn't cost us anything. So I spent some time looking at Spoonflower and noticed that one of my favorite artists, Valentina Ramos, had a Spoonflower shop. She has so many amazing designs. After much debate, I decided to go with the Reverie fabric. I ordered the heavy cotton twill, so it would be sturdy enough to upholster.

Once the fabric arrived, I picked up some purple spray paint and got to work. I ordered more than enough fabric, so we used more than we needed and many staples from the staple gun to cover the old fabric. (Don't  look at the bottom of the chairs, its not pretty).

After many 6 cans of spray paint, and a sore pointer finger (I had no idea it would take so many!) I finally finished. I'm pretty happy with the results.

Thankfully my parents are okay with having purple grass for a while! Here's a picture of the table right after I finished it.
And here's what the table looks like today in our house. During the move there were some chips in the paint I still need to touch up. I might need to look into something like a top coat to avoid chipping in the future. Do you know of any ideas? 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Miso Monday

I want to try a new feature on my blog--because I am a dork who is obsessed with her cat--called Miso Monday. I love taking pictures of my kitty and it might well be the only thing that I keep up with on this blog... My boyfriend, Muj, is really good at photography, and I want him to teach me how to take pictures with his fancy camera, so hopefully the quality of future pictures will improve. But for now, it will be phone pictures.

This is probably my favorite picture of Miso that I took two days ago. I recently took her to be shaved, because her fur gets matted really easily and she's been hacking up some nasty hairballs lately. I swear I didn't do it for my own entertainment. But it is starting to get colder here in the Pacific NW and so she's been a little on the chilly side, hence the sweater. So I was watching Breaking Bad and working on a puzzle with Miso beside me on the couch. She heard some noise on the other side of the couch and stood up to try to see where it was. I was lucky enough to have my phone nearby to capture this gem. Love that girl.

Happy Monday!